Homemade App 
Creating front-end artifacts for a new food delivery app: “Homefood”. The app targets people using iOS, who are craving home-cooked meals, and will include; various ways to browse for meals, at least one incentive and for chefs' meal descriptions, login/profile and an integrated ordering system

Firstly, I started by thinking about the user’s goal when they already have an account and want to order food through our app. I created a user flow to know how the user will go through each step and ensure a smooth and efficient process. Next, I created a wireframe that included all the screens the user would encounter from opening the app to checking out. The wireframe helped me visualize the app’s structure and allowed me to see how everything fits together. After completing the wireframe, I added visual elements to enhance the user experience and make the app more visually appealing for consumes. 

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